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Here at Bethel Mill Animal Hospital we have extensive diagnostic capabilities! We know when your pet is sick you want answers quickly and to accommodate that we provide the latest technology. In less than 10 minutes we can have results for most of these tests.



Lyme/Erlichia/Heartworm/Anaplasmosis (4DX): This is your yearly heartworm test which also screens for the 3 most common tick borne diseases. Early detection and treatment is extremely important, and if positive additional testing may be needed.


Giardia/Rectal Cytology: These tests are extremely important if your pet is suffering from diarrhea. They allow us to identify some of the more common causes of diarrhea some of which can be contagious to humans.


CBC (Complete Blood Count): This is used to determine the number and types of cells in the blood. Results help your veterinarian identify anemia, leukemia, and possible infections. This is also a part of our pre-surgical lab testing, important information for any pet going under anesthesia.


Chemistry Profiles: A select group of blood chemistries are run to evaluate organ function including values related to the liver, kidney, pancreas, and other internal organs. These tests are used to help identify the location and severity of disease in the body. This is also included in our pre-surgical testing to ensure your pet’s organs are healthy and able to withstand anesthesia.

Urinalysis: This test consists of the chemical testing and microscopic evaluation of your pet’s urine sample. This helps us to evaluate kidney function, detect a urinary tract infection, and screen for crystals that can be related to the development of bladder stones. We also use urine testing to check for diabetes mellitus and liver disease.


Feline Aids (FeLV)/Feline Leukemia FeLV) Testing: This test screens for two incurable viral diseases in cats. Adopted a new cat? We can check for these diseases to help assure that the new addition does not bring these diseases into your household.

Pancreatic Spc CPL: Pancreatitis is a life threatening inflammation of the pancreas that can cause vomiting and dehydration. This test helps us to differentiate pancreatic disease from other gastrointestinal causes of disease.



Our hospital offers digital radiography. This allows us to have images available very quickly, to manipulate an image for size and contrast, and send your radiographs by e-mail directly to referral centers, or to a board certified radiologist for interpretation/second opinions.

Ultrasound: limited to brief abdominal scans and pregnancy diagnosis.


Endoscopy: limited to foreign body retrieval. This procedure allows us to remove some ingested objects directly from the stomach, and in some instances can save the pet from having abdominal surgery. When this procedure can be used, it is also much less expensive for owners than surgery. Objects that we have removed include needles and thread, socks, bone pieces, underwear, leash pieces, and various toys and toy pieces.

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